Thursday, January 28, 2010

Holiday Time is Family Time

We are all so excited to have the youngest member of our family around us! Yep Emmery is a blast and can always make John smile!

OK I just love this picture!

Alaina loves her new school. She tried out for choir and has a wonderful teacher. It has been a great way for her to meet other students. She is also part of student council ~ although that means I have to get her to school 30 minutes earlier 4 days a week! She is a great daughter and John and I are very blessed to have such a wonderful little girl!

A new Christmas tradition ~ To the theater to see the Nutcracker! Alaina and I went down town and had a blast! We had the most fun after the show, watching all of the people and feeding birds. Although next time I had to promise a ride in a taxi? Not sure why she wants to ride in a taxi so badly I think once she does it she will be done with that desire!

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