Sunday, November 15, 2009

November News...

John was able to go out Saturday to celebrate his mom's birthday! It was great to spend some time with him other than at dialysis, chemo, or doctor appointments! This week is going to be crazy because he has appointments every day! Monday Wednesday and Friday are his regular dialysis Tuesday chemo and Thursday a ROOT CANAL! Jeeze! But we do have some good news to report. His blood pressure is great! The nephrologist (kidney doctor) really worked at getting that under control ~ by challenging him in removing lots of fluid during treatments and changing his meds around. But now that it is back in the healthy range he is able to start to slowly reduce his meds for blood pressure! The biggest side effect that John has with chemo is extreme fatigue. It also makes him feel achy all over and uncomfrontable but he is really trying to stay focused on the end result! Another positive is that John will be having his next two treatments for chemo here in the valley! We were going to Tucson every week ~ that ends up to being gone for almost 12 hours! Now it is 15 minutes from our house! The 8th treatment will be back in Tucson on December 1st. John will be having a CT scan done before that treatment and we will meet with Dr. Brown to see how the cancer is reacting to the treatment.
Thanks to all that have and continue to keep us in your thoughts and prayers!

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1 comment:

Sue and Roger said...

Even though we don't see you Linda we stay in touch with your folks and see how the Abram Family is holding on. Please know sincere prayers are given on Your Family. Sue and Roger Bell