Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Taking a Spin

We had a great day on Sunday; went to church, out to lunch, then John's brother, Ryan, came over. He & John took Alaina's 50's out for a ride throughout our neighborhood. Weather was amazing - in high 70's. --- click on the picture so you can see how he rides in style :)

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Friday, May 21, 2010

Back to Radiation :(

John getting prepped for radiation...

On Wednesday we received the results from John's PET scan. The tumors that John had radiation on have not gotten any bigger! We were hoping that they would go away completely, but at least they did not increase in size. However, we were also told that the cancer had spread to his lungs. This was very heartbreaking. One of the advantages we had against this cancer was that it had not traveled through the bloodstream (just the lymph nodes) needless to say we all shed a few tears when we got that news. Thursday we had another consultation with the Radiation Surgeon. We asked a lot of questions and feel pretty positive about the radiation keeping those little tumors from getting any bigger. John immediately had to get prepared for the radiation surgery. So after our consult he had his pre-CT scan, they marked him all up for his next series of treatments.

John's biggest complaint at this time is still the neuropathy. He is having a hard time walking and the pain is absolutely unbearable at times.

Alaina is out on summer break, and has already hit the slumber party train! She had a great year academically. Have to brag on her a bit - all A's except for one little B that snuck in there! She is our little pride and joy - to know her is to love her!

Thanks for all your prayers!

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Saturday, May 15, 2010

The Day of Testing....

Our only week day off from medical appointments was spent at Good Sams Hospital getting John's CT/ PET scans. It ended up being a pretty good day though! I was a bit nervous at first because we waited a little over one hour for his first scan. It was his CT scan and it only lasted 5 minutes! Then we crossed over to the other side of the hospital for his PET scan - we were two hours early for that one, and yippee they got us in! Because we ended up having some extra time together we spent it hanging out and having some fun!

This is John's 4th PET scan so he is a pro at knowing what to do! First he has to drink the contrast drink, yuck-- he then waits 20 minutes while the contrast goes through out his body. Next he goes into a little room with a bed and they put an IV in with a tracer. He has to lay very still for 45 minutes while the tracer looks for any tumors. He slept really good for those 45 minutes!

Next he is wrapped up like a burrito for the test. He slept through this one too! This part of the test lasts for about 45 minutes. I get to stay with him and help him out if he get a itch on his nose!

If you look closely you can see the image of John's body on the computer. We know the crew at this location and they are really nice!

We should be getting the results of the tests on the 18th of May. Thanks for all of your prayers and love sent our way. We will continue to keep you all posted on the results! :)

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Thursday, May 13, 2010

Camping Out in Style!

After all of the treatments, John needed a night out! So Lewie and Jay came got our trailer, parked it on their land in Cave Creek, and we hung out all night! What an awesome time we had! One of John's favorite things to do is go to the dunes --- we can't go duning right now so they brought the dunes to him! We are so thankful for everything you all did! Can't wait to do it again! :)

Reminiscing about the night before!

After a night by the camp fire, Lewie brought out the muffins!

Had a blast with Terry

Dennis came all the way from New Mexico!

Can you believe this is only an 45 minutes away from us?

Beautiful scenery --- the trees were planted back in 1969!

They set us up in a beautiful location! Jay even cleaned out the trailer and made the bed for us! Love you Jay!

One of Jay's and Lewie's trailer :)

Terry's pad!

Don's trailer

Thanks for such a great memory!

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